Since we just celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month I thought I could give you the recipe to make a Flan.
The Ingredients Needed:
1 can of sweetened condensed milk.
1 can of evaporated whole milk.
3 whole eggs
5 egg yolks
a pinch of salt
12 tsp of white sugar.
Boiling water.
Pour 1 cup sugar in warm pan over medium heat.
Constantly stir sugar until turns brown and becomes caramel.
Quickly pour approximately 2-3 tablespoons of caramel in each ramekin, tilting it to swirl the caramel around the sides.
Reheat caramel if it starts to harden.
Blend the eggs together.
Mix in the milks then slowly mix in the 1/2 cup of sugar.
Blend smooth after each ingredient is added.
Pour custard into caramel lined ramekins.
Place ramekins in a large glass or ceramic baking dish and fill with about 1-2 inches of hot water.
Bake for 45 minutes in the water bath and check with a knife just to the side of the center.
If knife comes out clean, it's ready.
Remove and let cool.
Let each ramekin cool in refrigerator for 1 hour.
Invert each ramekin onto a small plate, the caramel sauce will flow over the custard.
Hope you can enjoy your flan.
Grammar Point: What is you favorite recipe? Make a list of directions that are needed to make you favorite dish.
Vocabulary Words:
1. Flan- caramel custard is a rich custard dessert with a layer of soft caramel on top
2. Recipe- is a set of instructions that show how to prepare or make something.
3. Ingredients- is a substance that forms part of a mixture
4. Evaporated- is the slow vaporization of a liquid.
5. Yolks- is the part of an egg which serves as the food source for the developing embryo inside.
6. Pinch- slight but appreciable amount.
7. Constantly- without variation or change, in every case.
8. Ramekin- a small fireproof dish used for baking and serving individual portions.
9. Tilting- to incline or bend from a vertical position.
10. Swirl- flow in a circular current, of liquids.
11. Custard- sweetened mixture of milk and eggs baked or boiled or frozen.
1. The _________ is known as a Hispanic desert.
2. What is your secret _________ for a good desert?
3. This recipe contains many __________.
4. The milk quickly ____________ and spilled on the stove.
5. The ___________ of the egg was as bright yellow as the morning sun.
6. I usually add a __________ of salt and pepper to the steak.
7. If you _____________ study you will get better grades.
8. The ________ is the perfect to dish to use for baking.
9. When the dog came in the door he ______ over the glass of water.
10. A vanilla ice cream sundae is not complete without a chocolate ________.
11. I loved the chocolate _______ in the Oreo pie.
More food blogging! My mouth is watering. I don't know if I will be brave enough to attempt this wonderful looking dessert.